Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Schindler's List Reading Response Prompt Questions

Reading responses for Schindler's List are due Tuesday 23 February in class or by 5 PM. Please be sure to review the assignment handout before completing the assignment, with particular attention paid to the labeling system outlined, as it ensures your work is graded and recorded without difficulty.

Choose one of the following prompts to respond to in an essay of 2-3 double-spaced pages:

1. In other representations of the Holocaust we have read for the course, the loss of identity plays an important role in the process of dehumanization. How does Schindler's List address the function of identity and the loss and/or reclaiming of identity? What role does identity play in the film?

2. Oskar Schindler's transformation on-screen from a cold, callous businessman into a caring defender is a slow process. What specific events does the film link to his transformation?

3. Some have argued that Itzhak Stern's role in the film is vital to Schindler's realization. Examining the role of Itzhak Stern (played by Ben Kingsley) in the film, what makes him a vital character to the unfolding of events in the film?

4. Read through this account of Oskar Schindler, excerpted from "The Real Oskar Schindler." How does this depiction of him differ from his depiction on film? How does this change your view of the film's representation of events?

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