Thursday, February 4, 2010

NIght and Fog Reading Response Prompt Questions

For those of you who plan to write a reading response for Night and Fog, here are the prompt questions. The first question asks you to engage both the film and Lubline's summary of the film's reception; the second question only asks you to focus on the film.

1. Warren Lubline outlines the specific criticism many critics of Night and Fog have for the film, including its lack of survivor testimony. Noting specific claims made by critics, do you agree or disagree with their assessment of the film? In your opinion, what are the film's strengths and weaknesses?

2. What is your interpretation of the message of the film? What specific visual, aural and narrative clues does the film employ to represent this message?

Due date: Tuesday 9 February in class or under my office door in Avery 475

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