Friday, February 5, 2010

Grade queries and formatting reading responses

Hi folks, I hope you are all off to a restful weekend. In the meantime, I have uploaded the first reading response grades onto elearning (as well as the grades for the last quiz from Thursday). I hope to upload the second reading response grades before Tuesday's class, and I will distribute the drafts at that point for your perusal. Should you have any questions once you receive your draft as to how to improve your writing content, make an appointment, and I will be happy to discuss further progress.

Please keep in mind the specific guidelines for formatting outlined in the assignment handout, particularly if you choose to write a response to Night and Fog. If you have lost or otherwise misplaced the handout, it is currently available for download on elearning. Labeling of assignments is crucial to making sure I get your grades in on time and accurately, and correct MLA format citation is a minimum requirement for completing assignments.

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