Friday, January 29, 2010

A few reminders for Tuesday 2 February

I mentioned a change to the syllabus in class, but I thought I would post those reminders on the course blog for those who may have forgotten, or whom were not present for class. There is no reading for Tuesday's class, as I have pushed back the Inga Clendinnen chapter ("Representing the Holocaust" on the syllabus) until a later date. We will watch Night and Fog during Tuesday's class and consider the questions listed at the end of the PowerPoint from Thursday's lecture.

In addition, the PDF of the reading for Thursday's class, Warren Lubline's "The Trajectory of Night and Fog in the USA," is now available for download on the course elearning site: The file is named "night and fog." I will distribute hard copies of the reading on Tuesday, but for those of you who would like a head start on next week's reading, feel free to download the article. I will post discussion questions for Lubline's article and our discussion of the film Tuesday evening.

One final note: if you will be writing on Delbo's Auschwitz and After, the prompt questions are located in the previous post, and the reading response essay will be due during Tuesday's class or by 5 PM that day.

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