Thursday, January 28, 2010

Auschwitz and After Reading Response Prompt Questions

For this reading response, you do not have to limit your answer to one of the two books we read from Delbo's trilogy. Choose one of the following questions to answer in an essay of 2-3 typed, double-spaced pages. Use MLA in-text citation but you will not need a Works Cited page. Refer to the assignment directions handout for further instructions.

Due date: Tuesday 2 February in class or in Avery 475 by 5 PM

1. In Auschwitz and After, community plays a significant role in both Delbo's memories and in the well-being of the women in the camp. What are both the benefits and the drawbacks to writing a text that stresses the collective as opposed to individual experience?

2. The ambiguity of language in Auschwitz and After is striking in that from the very first page ("Arrivals and Departures") Delbo calls attention to words that would never be the same in a post-1945 world. What example or examples best illustrate the ambiguity of language?

3. Extremely graphic, incredibly visceral descriptions are a central feature of Auschwitz and After. How do these descriptions affect your reading experience? Do they help you to visualize and comprehend the experience, or does the graphic nature of the descriptions make it more difficult for you to imagine?

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