Thursday, April 8, 2010

Everything is Illuminated Reading Response Prompt Questions

Choose one of the following questions and develop an essay of 2-3 pages, due Tuesday 13 April:

1. Alex's linguistic idiosyncrasies play a dual role in the film, providing both humor and ambiguity. Given our constant theme in this course, analyzing the role of language in transmitting experience, develop an essay that "illuminates" the role of language in the film, Everything is Illuminated.

2. What role does collection play in the film? Both Jonathan and Lista collect ephemera that many of us might consider to be useless material. Why do they collect, what purpose does ephemera serve, and how do you interpret the coincidence that both Jonathan and Lista are collectors?

3. Since everything in the film is eventually "illuminated," how do you interpret the grandfather's role? Why does he pretend to be blind, and why does he eventually commit suicide? What is illuminated, both physically and metaphorically, about the grandfather?

As always, have a wonderful weekend, and remember: "Everything is illuminated in the light of the past."

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