Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Shoah Reading Response Prompt Questions

2-3 page reading responses to Shoah will be due Tuesday 9 March in class or in Avery 475 by 5 PM. For all responses, you must use specific examples from the film in your essays, although exact names of interviewed subjects are not required.

Note: Please see the assignment handout distributed in class or download a copy from elearning for proper heading and requirement procedures. Keep in mind that failure to adhere to set guidelines lowers the content grade of your essay.

1. How does Lanzmann utilize silence in Shoah, and what role does it play in representing the experiences of the interviewed subjects featured in the film? How does silence affect your viewing of the film?

2. Lanzmann adamantly denied that Shoah is a documentary, and rather claimed the film is a "fiction of the real." How do you view the film's relationship to documentary as well as to art? How do you interpret Lanzmann's claim that the film is a fiction based in reality?

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